Lake Gwayi-Shangani to boost tourism in Dete

TOURISM operators around Dete in Hwange have said Lake Gwayi-Shangani, which is under construction, will lead to the introduction of new activities that will help boost arrivals in the tourism corridor.

Currently a majority of tourists that visit Dete will largely be coming from Victoria Falls on their way to Hwange National Park for game drives.

Construction of the massive Lake Gwayi-Shangani in Matabeleland North province is one of the milestones and is among the flagship infrastructure projects being undertaken by the Second Republic led by President Mnangagwa in its drive to foster inclusive economic transformation.

Hwange National Park

It is the third largest inland dam after Tugwi-Mukosi and Lake Mutirikwi with a gross carrying capacity of 650 million cubic meters.

The Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa) is constructing the dam through China Water and Electric Corporation, a Chinese contractor.

The dam project is part of a century-old National Matabeleland Zambezi Water Project (NMZWP), which successive administrations failed to kickstart, before President Mnangagwa pledged to complete the project, which is now over 70 percent complete.

Zimbabwe National Water Authority (Zinwa)

A mid-2023 deadline has been set for the completion of the dam, which is expected to impact positively on several economic sectors.

Construction of dams fulfils the Government’s policy of inclusive development.

Tourism players have said the sector will also benefit.

Dete based tourism executive Mr James Kuwanda said there is an opportunity to start various water activities once the dam is complete.

“We can’t wait for completion of the dam which we envisage will make Hwange a complete destination independent of Victoria Falls with speed boating, cruises, fishing, picnics and water sports.

“Creation of the greenbelt will also enhance farming activities which will also improve accessibility to vegetables that are used in the industry as we currently buy from Bulawayo. So this will support tourism and we will have people coming directly to this destination for a basket of activities,” said Mr Kuwanda.

Ms Elisabeth Pasalk who is chairperson of the Association for Tourism in Hwange said currently tourists only enjoy game viewing and cultural experiences in Hwange.

She said there is untapped tourism opportunity in Hwange.

“There are a lot of water activities we are not utilising in Deka and Msuna on the Zambezi River and we feel the coming in of Lake Gwayi Shangani will bring in economic potential to this destination with more opportunities on a wider range of products.

Zambezi River

“ We can’t wait for the dam to be completed as this could result in new water front lodges, water sport, boating and jetty activities. We believe this area will grow through water activities the same way Kariba has grown, “ she said.

Local businesspersons also believe more opportunities that will transform Cross Mabale and Dete into growth points are on the way.

Proprietor of Omnitech General Dealer and Hardware at Cross Mabale Mr David Tembo said locals are excited about construction of the dam.

Kariba Dam

“Already we are seeing positive change in business as the contractor has employed hundreds of people who buy from our shops every month when they get paid. This has improved economic activity around here.

“For us, there are opportunities to build booking houses because even Lusulu road will turn here at Cross Mabale thereby opening opportunities for the business centre to grow. So we are already positioning ourselves to benefit from the tourism value chain which will also see many villagers commercialising their homesteads and we wish its completion can be speeded up,” he said.

Mabale ward 17 headman Mr Oliver Tshuma said villagers will get more job opportunities in the new activities that will be started at the lake.

“We expect many tourism activities to take place there and people will get jobs and even start their own businesses which will boost our local economy and contribute to growth of our business centre into a growth point,” he said.

The Government has identified 10 000 hectares of land that will be irrigated in various districts in Matabeleland North to enhance food security as communities along the pipeline are expected to benefit from the water passing through their villages.

A 10MW hydroelectric power station will be established on site, which will boost electricity generation and also support the tourism industry with power.

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