Take advantage of ZITF to market products, SMEs urged

SMALL to medium enterprises (SMEs) should ride on the forthcoming Zimbabwe International Trade Fair (ZITF) to be held in Bulawayo next month to secure business deals and increase exports.

SMEs have become a big economic force in the country and across the globe but most of them are still struggling to secure lucrative markets.

In Zimbabwe, Government expects SMEs to play a pivotal role in transforming the economy towards an upper middle-income status by 2030.This entails scaling up support for the sector through providing finance, working space to enable the sector to increase the production of quality goods and assisting the sector to secure markets.

As preparations for the 63rd edition of the country’s prime expo gather momentum, ZITF deputy chief executive officer, Ms Stella Nkomo, says this year’s showcase will strive to amplify support for SMEs to help them participate in numbers and grow their businesses.

“We recognise that SMEs play a crucial role in the economy, especially in employment creation. There is therefore a need to provide support and resources to enable SMEs participate at the ZITF,” she said in written responses.


Ms Nkomo said besides the exhibition, the ZITF has concurrent events that offer learning and networking opportunities with a wide local and international audience.

“SMEs would benefit a great deal from attending events such as the ZITF International Business Conference (26 April) and the Connect Africa Symposium (27 April),” she said.

Bulawayo SMEs on rentals

Ms Nkomo said SMEs were showing great interest to showcase their products as witnessed by the number of inquiries.

“We are happy to report that we have received hundreds of inquiries from SMEs that want to participate at ZITF 2023,” she said.

Ms Nkomo said over 30 SMEs have booked exhibition space and she expects the number to keep growing.

Small to Medium Enterprises – Image taken from Shutterstock

“Most will come under the Ministry of Women Affairs, Community Small to Medium Enterprises Development as well as ZimTrade and non governmental organisations that support and sponsor them,” she said.

Bulawayo Chamber of SMEs programme coordinator, Mr Nketha Mangoye Dlamini said
ZITF gives budding businesses a platform to access local, regional and international markets.

“SMEs should take advantage of the ZITF to market their products to local and international buyers as well as establish networks with suppliers of raw materials,” he said. — chronicles

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