Kwekwe City ventures into gold mining

KWEKWE City Council is set to venture into gold mining as a way of widening its revenue streams and easing the burden on ratepayers.

Kwekwe District is one of the gold-rich zones in the country and over the years observers have sought clarity on what the council was doing to exploit the vast mining opportunities for the city’s benefit.
It emerged during a recent full council meeting that the local authority has already identified a mining site and that feasibility studies were being carried out to pave way for the commencement of extractive works.

It is hoped that proceeds from mining operations would go a long way in supporting key infrastructure projects like roads and recreational facilities such as stadiums, which are in a dilapidated state.
Ward 10 Councillor, Angeline Kasipo, said venturing into mining was a noble idea that will help cushion ratepayers.

Kwekwe City Council

“We are a mining town and I surely I don’t see any problem with us registering our own mine where we carry out our own mining activities,” she said.
“This surely can reduce the burden for the already overburdened ratepayers.”

Director of works, Engineer John Mhike, said plans were already underway to operationalise the project after identifying the site.
“We have already identified the site and we are now carrying out feasibility studies. Things are in motion as we speak and we are working on all ancillary issues so that we can start mining from the mine,” said Eng Mhike.

The development comes at a time when residents are complaining that they are being overburdened by the local authority through expensive rates.
Kwekwe Residents and Ratepayers Development Association chairperson Mr Alex Mwafumbika also said venturing into mining was a welcome decision.

“This is a welcome development and we welcome the idea with both hands. Already ratepayers are struggling to pay their rates and I think this would go a long way in easing the burdens from the ratepayers,” he said.
Mr. Mwafumbika said the council should explore more income-generating ventures.

“We boast of being a mining town and that gold should be able to benefit our town. Our roads are in bad condition yet we boast of a lot of gold,” he said.
“We want to see that gold being channeled towards other developments like road repairs and other developmental issues. This is what the Government is always saying that councils should not overburden ratepayers and I am glad they are doing exactly that,” said Mr.

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