Government excited as VFEX attracts 8th listing

GOVERNMENT has expressed excitement over the rapid growth of the Victoria Falls Stock Exchange (VFEX), which has attracted eight counters within a short space of time after giant agro-processing company, National Foods Limited, officially listed its shares on the bourse today.

Industry and Commerce Minister Dr. Sekai Nzenza was the guest of honour at the listing ceremony held in Victoria Falls where she commended the tremendous growth of the young bourse as a testimony to the industrial growth taking place in the country through value addition.

“Government is excited to see the listing of National Foods Limited, the first food procession giant on the VFEX,” said the minister.

“This exemplifies the primary function of our capital markets to mobilise and channel investment capital into productive sectors of the economy and create downstream opportunities for the prosperity of the nation.”

National Foods and VFEX executives were joined by senior Government officials to witness the official listing of the company.

VFEX is the only exchange in Africa trading in the United States dollars and was established as a pioneer offshore financial services center by the Government in 2020 to attract global investment.

Since its establishment in 2020, VFEX has attracted giant seed producer and distributor, SeedCo International Limited, mining giant — Caledonia Mining, skins and meat processor, Padenga, Bindura Nickel Corporation, Nedbank Zimbabwe, pan-African fast-food group, Simbisa Brands Limited, and Karo Holdings Limited.

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