Proposed nation branding framework for Zim

It can be taken as a starting point to what the Government of Zimbabwe can consider to activate this enormous national and progressive project. From a strategic perspective, in the strategy formulation process, factor inclusion or focus should involve important nation branding fundamentals such as brand positioning, brand identity development and personality development, formulation of the core idea and values, brand leadership ,stakeholder management, perception management and brand image and reputation management among other factors.

These factors constitute the core drivers of a holistic and comprehensive nation branding focus that will lead to success from a practical point of view. It’s a question of identifying that which will effectively reposition Zimbabwe on the global market for the short, medium and long term and for sustainable competitiveness.

However, nation branding being a mega project must be purposefully and systematically planned, well-coordinated and practically executed to achieve tangible results. It is, therefore, imperative that the branding process involves Brand Audit based on research.

This entails assessing the performance of the brand Zimbabwe. It involves carrying +out an analysis of the target audience in terms of its demographics lifestyle, incomes ,cultural orientation and other factors. It also involves an analysis of the target market and its perception of Zimbabwe in its entirely so that the market positioning process is appropriate and effective.

Competitor analysis is a critical element in the branding process as it analyses the performance of competitors in order to craft strategies and the implementation strategy to outcompete them and consolidating own position. Competitor analysis of regional, countries, Africa and global players is critical to benchmark Zimbabwe against best practice. This approach becomes the basis of differentiation as a means of outcompeting the competitors thus establishing and maintaining a competitive edge.

However, branding on its own cannot influence the performance of a nation brand and its performance in general. Intervening forces at a macro-level can affect the nation branding process directly. These forces have to do with long term government commitment as reflected by the formation of a nation branding entity to co-ordinate this massive project.

It also requires political unity and a united and consistent message to avoid multiple images on the global arena. The macroeconomic fundamentals such as economic development, stability, investment, infrastructural development and industrialisation among others can affect the branding process directly.

The above summarised factors while they have an impact on nation branding directly, they also have a direct impact on national competitiveness, which is a critical element of the whole process.

In conclusion, the nation branding strategy requires a robust monitoring and evaluation approach to ensure continuous improvement on nation branding strategy as determined by changing circumstances. The M and E approach is important in this dynamic and fast changing world.

Dr Musekiwa Clinton Tapera writes in his personal capacity. He has a PHD in marketing. His research work and thesis focused on the destination branding of Zimbabwe. Dr Tapera’s areas of interest include general destination marketing of cities and towns, tourism destinations, corporate reputation and communications projects, public relations and investment attraction programs. He can be contacted on email:; mobile: 0772 920 617-ebusinessweekly

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