ZSM aligns training programmes with NDS1

THE Zimbabwe School of Mines (ZSM) is expanding its skills training programmes in line with the National Development Strategy (NDS1) ideals with a focus on embracing new technologies and enhancing student competencies to meet national economic needs.

In his report at the 28th graduation ceremony for the 2021 academic year held at the institution in Bulawayo last Friday, ZSM principal Mr Edwin Gwaze said some of the new programmes were already being implemented.

Zimbabwe School of Mines

“Zimbabwe School of Mines continues to align with NDS1 and this has seen the school introducing several new courses and also working on several new courses,” he said.
“This year we introduced a mining engineering diploma and shaft technician and the pioneer group has 30 students and they started in August this year.”

Mr Gwaze said the school has also introduced an executive post-graduate diploma in mining management with the pioneer group of 31 students who worked on a certificate in occupational health and safety which is commencing this month.

“Work is also at an advanced level for a diploma in occupational health and safety, which should be rolled out in the year 2023,” he said.
ZSM is also working on introducing courses in metal casting to promote the value-addition and beneficiation of minerals.

“In line with what is happening in the country, the school is also working on a diploma in foundry technology and a diploma in iron and steel making.
“We are also working on gemmology courses and we have a workshop in finalising curriculum documents, which is on from 18 to 20 October 2022,” said Mr Gwaze.

“The school is also constructing a gemmology training centre in Mutare. However, the training is going to commence next year and we are likely to be running this from premises in Harare.”

Meanwhile, ZSM is set to host the second edition of the Zimbabwe Institute of Foundries metal casting conference from 10 to 11 November 2022, an event which is meant to deliberate on metal beneficiation and value-addition and adoption of new technologies in the mining and foundry sector.

The ZSM graduation ceremony was officiated by Mines and Mining Development Deputy Minister, Polite Kambamura, who was the guest of honour.
He commended the institution for its strategic role in promoting growth in the mining sector and the economy at large through promoting human capital investment.

The deputy minister said with the huge investment in the mining sector leading to the opening of new mines, expansion of existing mines as well as re-opening of dormant mines, the mining sector is anticipating an increase in human capital needs.

Deputy Minister Polite Kambamura

“As the mining sector grows, the ZSM graduates are poised to grab the opportunities, hence training of technical experts at ZSM becomes more and more relevant,” said Kambamura.

“Let me take this opportunity to comment on the ZSM for reviewing its curricula and ensuring the school responds to the current and future mining sector needs in line with the NDS 1.”
The Government has set a target of a US$12 mining economy by 2023 as part of the efforts in achieving Vision 2030 of an upper middle-income status as the mining sector is the major contributor to the economy through exports. – chronicle.c.zw

Zimplats pushes local procurement to US$552,5m
10 OCT, 2022 – 00:10 0 VIEWS 0 COMMENTS

Zimplats pushes local procurement to US$552,5m
Nqobile Bhebhe, Senior Business Reporter

PLATINUM Group Metals (PGM) producer, Zimplats, says it has accelerated its inclusive socio-economic growth through scaling up local enterprise development (LED) spending to US$552,5 million on local procurement.

This represents a 31 percent increase from last year’s spend of US$423 million.
The miner said this is part of its socio-economic growth agenda through progressing the implementation of its structured LED programme.

Zimplats, in its 2022 integrated annual report, said it was committed to creating a better future through developing economically self-sustaining and inclusive mine communities.

The LED programme was launched in 2013 to capacitate and grow local indigenous companies and the objective is to align the LEDs to the standards of Zimplats’ way of doing business and core values.

This is positively contributing to a resilient supply chain for Zimplats and the economic and social development of the communities in which the company operates, it said.

The major focus is on previously disadvantaged groups who include women and the youth.
“Total discretionary procurement spend amounted to US$552,5 million, a 31 percent increase from last year’s spend of US$423 million,” said the company.

“Local spend totalled US$321,4 million, which is 58 percent of the overall discretionary spend for FY2022 and above the target of 50 percent.”

The report said the increase in local spending was mainly attributable to the capacitation of local suppliers to participate competitively in Zimplats’ major projects, especially in service delivery and provision of locally available materials. Of the overall spending for the year, 42 percent (US$231 million) is attributable to imports.

This comes as the mining giant said it has projected an exciting future as it rolls out a staggering US$1, 8 billion in capital projects over 10 years creating opportunities for local employment.

On employment creation, the firm said as at 30 June this year, the 22 LEDs provided decent work to 3 038 people, a 20 percent increase in employment creation from 2 534 people in FY2021. It said employment creation rose by 504 jobs during the year mostly due to growth and expansion projects being undertaken by Zimplats.

Turning to revenue generation the LEDs supplied Zimplats with various products and services, which included engineering, medical, haulage, drilling, labour broking, underground support legal advisory services, catering and facilities management solutions, protective clothing, bricks and silica.

“As at 30 June 2022, LEDs spending amounted to US$54,9 million, a 37 percent increase from FY2021 spend of US$39,8 million, as shown below,” said the company.

“A total of US$341.3 million has been invested in the procurement of goods and services from the LEDs since the programmer’s inception in FY2013. Furthermore, additional business averaging US$18,2 million was extended by Zimplats to the LEDs’ sister companies in FY2022.”-chronicle.c.zw

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