Horticulture key to growth

Government is targeting transformation of rural and urban economies through enhancement of food, nutrition, markets, and jobs using value chains, including the horticulture sector, as a means of achieving a prosperous, inclusive, diverse, sustainable and competitive agriculture sector.

Minister of Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, Anxious Masuka said when he officially launched the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) project titled ENGAGE — Making Markets Work for Smallholder Farmers.

The funding from the Australian government is AUD1 166 000, more than US$800 000. President Mnangagwa has already given indication that the agriculture sector and sectors such as mining are the key enablers in which the vision of an upper middle income society by 2030 should be built on.

“My Ministry is targeting the transformation of rural economies, industries, and urban economies through enhancement of food, nutrition, markets, and jobs using several specific value chains, the horticulture sector included,” said Minister Masuka said through Agricultural Extension (AGRITEX) Mr Stancilae Tapererwa.

“There is a need to broaden the food basket for the population as highlighted by the Horticulture Recovery and Growth Plan.

“The need to diversify smallholder farm incomes, food security and nutrition systems cannot be overemphasised.

“The Ministry has also recognised the need to enter partnerships with reputable private sector and no-governmental organisations that have the skill, knowledge and global experience to ensure Zimbabwe’s horticulture sector progresses,” said Minister Masuka.

ADRA country director Mrs Judith Musvosvi said the ENGAGE project is running from July to June 2024 targeting 5000 beneficiaries in Umguza, Murewa, and Mutoko districts.

“The ENGAGE project goal is for smallholder farmers and entrepreneurs to have improved livelihoods contributing to economic growth in targeted districts.

“I would like to assure you that ADRA Zimbabwe shall continue up scaling and cascading horticulture activities across the country in line with the Horticulture Recovery and Growth Plan and the Agricultural Food Systems Transformation Strategy,” said Mrs Musvosvi.

Ambassador of Australia to Zimbabwe, Ms Bronte Moules said her government’s focus on private sector development reflects the fact that the private sector is the engine of economic growth.

“We know that a focus on the private sector alone is not enough. Promoting economic
growth and poverty reduction requires a foundation of strong human development.
“It recognises that people leave poverty when they are supported to implement business
modelsthatserve the poor as consumers, producers or employees,” said Ms Moules.
“For Australia, private sector engagement means supporting market linkages and
opportunities for value addition to commercial enterprises, including informal sector
micro-enterprises (like farmers and street traders), and small and medium-sized
This is in line with a private sector led growth being implemented by President
Mnangagwa’s administration under the NDS 1 focus on private sector led growth.-The Herald

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