Zim receives US$1 billion through diaspora remittances

GOVERNMENT has advised citizens wishing to travel to other countries to look for jobs to make due diligence prior to travelling so as to minimise chances of being trafficked and exploited.

Chief director in the Ministry of Public Service, Labour and Social Welfare Mr Clifford Matorera said the diaspora policy which Government is crafting will address issues of migration as it will among other things, document all Zimbabweans living in foreign countries including those living illegally.

This comes amid concerns about rampant exploitation of citizens in the continent and this is spearheaded by unscrupulous recruitment agencies.

Mr Matorera was speaking on the sidelines of a workshop on capacity development initiative on ethical recruitment in Southern Africa which opened in Victoria Falls yesterday.

The workshop was organised by the International Organisation for Migration (IOM), Africa Regional Migration programme, Southern African Migration Management, United Nations, European Union and United States, in conjunction with the Government.

He said the Diaspora Policy has so far proved to be effective as Zimbabwe received more than US$1 billion between 2020 and 2021 through diaspora remittances.

Despite warnings and evidence of people being exploited for dirty jobs after being lured for greener pastures, people continue to fall prey to fake jobs advertised online mostly by human traffickers.

“What we are trying to do is advise people that before they travel to any country or when offered a
job, they should verify with the embassy or local offices to check on the authenticity of the offers so
that we don’t end up with situations where people are treated unfairly.
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“Yes, there are certain areas that are beyond control where we have a high exodus of expert labour
especially in health, engineering, technicians and artisans going to other countries for greener
pastures,” said Mr Matorera.

Many workers especially in the civil service are reportedly taking up elementary courses required
for them to get jobs in the diaspora and are leaving employment to go to western countries to seek
better paying jobs.

Mr Matorera said Zimbabwe had done considerably well in monitoring activities of private
employment brokers.

He said the diaspora policy which was first drafted in 2016 and revised in 2021 will see the country
benefitting from formally exporting labour.

He said an inter-ministerial taskforce has been set to look into ways and strategies of exporting
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“The Diaspora Policy was mooted in 2016 and the Second Republic renewed interest resulting in
revision of many of its aspects, so the 2021 document addresses a number of shortcomings and
only in 2020 and 2021 as a country, we managed to receive about US$1 billion from remittances in
terms of Diaspora Policy.

“We are only talking of officials figures and there are other monies that come through unofficial

“As a nation, we are making concerted efforts to make sure we export labour so that the country
and institutions of training benefit.

“On a regular basis, we always monitor private recruitment agencies because we want the country
and training institutions to benefit.”

Mr Matorera said Government is working on making sure that all Zimbabweans in any part of the
world and being subjected to unfair labour practices, are in safe hands and relocated back home.
He said Zimbabwean professionals are in high demand around the globe and human traffickers
take advantage of that.-The Chronicle

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