Expo Dubai helps build economic bridges

Participation at events like the ongoing Expo 2020 Dubai helps Zimbabwe’s reengagement efforts, anchored in promoting global trade, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Deputy Minister, David Musabayana, has said.

He was speaking in Dubai on Saturday at the ongoing international commercial displays aimed at promoting investment in participants’ respective countries.

Deputy Minister Musabayana said President Mnangagwa’s engagement and reengagement drive required putting in place measures that would improve business with partners abroad.

“These international forums are very important for the engagement and re-engagement mantra,” said Deputy Minister Musabayana.

“When the President said that we are open for business, it means that we are reaching out.

“We are building bridges, these are not only political bridges, but economic for business relationships, and the consummation of any business or commercial relationship is through trade.”

Deputy Minister Musabayana said the ongoing Expo 2020 Dubai had created many opportunities which will be announced by President Mnangagwa when he visits the United Arab Emirates.

He praised Zimbabwe’s pavilion at the Expo 2020 Dubai for properly telling the Zimbabwean story and aptly capturing opportunities in the country.

“A lot of organisations have created MoUs (Memoranda of Understanding), we have also people who have pledged to start investing in Zimbabwe,” said Deputy Minister Musabayana.

“I will not pre-empt as you know the Head of State, President ED Mnangagwa, will be coming to do the official opening on our National Day.

“He will announce our MoUs; he will announce also what quantum of investment we are likely to get. We are also humbled that people are now appreciating the stock of wealth, resources and richness of our culture through the displays that are at the pavilion. You experience Zimbabwe in one room, so that’s how rich this pavilion is.”-The Herald

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