Zinara dismisses licence fees hike

Zinara yesterday reported that its motor vehicle licensing system was overwhelmed as far more motorists than normal rushed to buy the basic third party insurance and licence their vehicles for another term following rumours and social media reports that insurance premiums were going up today.

Zinara stated that the new licence fees set on November 20 last year would remain in force for the time being. There were no statements or confirmation from the insurance industry or the individual motor insurance companies on any planned increase today following the substantial increases in October last year.

Motorists are legally obliged to buy a basic third party policy to help them cover any costs incurred if they are to blame for an accident but can buy better, more complete but more expensive insurance if they wish.

The basic insurance, which requires no assessment of the customer, is sold by a wide range of agents in supermarkets and which is entered into the Zinara system instantly so the licence can then be issued, usually at the same time with the discs printed on the same sheet of paper.

Some motorists yesterday called The Herald complaining that they were not able to buy insurance so that they could then buy the vehicle licence fees or disc.

Most said they were being turned away by some of the agents of insurance companies who were saying they were experiencing some technical fault on their system.

Zinara confirmed the pressure: “We witnessed a huge turnout of people at most of our “We urge the motoring public to make use of our online licensing platforms and save on time and help to prevent the spread of Covid-19. Our vehicle licensing system is overwhelmed today as a result of huge turn out my clients who want to license their
vehicles. We want to assure everyone that they will be served and any inconvenience caused is sincerely regretted.”

The Zinara vehicle license fee which was last increased on November 20 last year remains unchanged for now.-The Herald

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