‘Take advantage of Mozambique’s proximity’

ZIMTRADE says Zimbabwean businesses have the potential to take advantage of their proximity to Mozambique to penetrate the neighboring country’s market which has vast export opportunities.

The trade development and promotion body listed fast-moving consumer goods (FMCGs) and construction materials as products whose demand is high in Mozambique.

Mozambique has been affected by natural disasters such as flooding, causing infrastructure damages which provides opportunities for Zimbabwean construction companies to take advantage of the ongoing reconstruction works.

ZimTrade market analyst Ms Lorraine Muzadzi, said Chimoio and Beira have an appreciation of Zimbabwean products that have already flooded the informal market in that country.

“The informal sector market serves people in both middle and low income, breakbulk and negotiate prices thereby making Zimbabweans products competing well on market as well as always being accessible,” she said during a Manica Province market scan dissemination webinar held yesterday.

Some of the popular Zimbabwean products include cereal, Mazoe orange crush, steri milk, tomato sauce, mega snacks, and margarine.

Ms Muzadzi also said 60 percent of inputs used for Mozambique’s construction industry are from South Africa yet they are more expensive as compared to those from Zimbabwe.

“About 60 percent of Beira’s buildings including medical homes, schools as well as warehouses were destroyed by cyclone Idai and cyclone Kenneth hence, there is a lot of work that needs to be done which requires Zimbabwe’s strong contribution and representation.

“Therefore, there is a huge opportunity for Zimbabwean construction companies to partner with Mozambique as the workforce and management in the sector is sufficiently qualified hence needs to be improved,” she said.

Ms Muzadzi highlighted that some Zimbabwean companies were already showing interest in the Mozambique market such as Armil Ferragens, distributors of construction materials with a product range of window and door frames, water tanks, roofing tiles, water pipes, and roofing timbers among others.

Market research by Zimtrade also shows other opportunities are available in the agriculture sector.
“Mozambique is prioritizing agriculture but is mostly done by small scale farmers which Zimbabwe need to take advantage of. There is limited knowledge in the market and Zimbabwe’s agriculture experts can offer extension opportunities and has to supply farm technology,” she said.

Speaking during the same webinar, Gemrock Mozambique general manager Mark Jam concurred.
He said, “Zimbabwe is much nearer in terms of proximity to Manica.

“Manica Province is open for business and its products’ recognition always exists, all you need to do is to bring them into the market and especially take advantage of the FMCG whereby most of them are imports.

‘‘This provides a great opportunity for doing business in Mozambique since Zimbabwe has almost all products found in the market.”

ZimTrade assists Zimbabwean exporters, including first-time exporters and potential exporters, to develop, promote and facilitate the export of their goods and services to the world.-eBusiness Weekly

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