CZI seeks ways to complement government development efforts

CAPTAINS of local industry will convene early this month to discuss strategies, which will ensure that industry’s growth aspirations move in sync with the Government development priorities as it pursues Vision 2030.

The Government is pursuing economic reforms and a development trajectory to transform the country into an upper-middle income economy by 2030.

Some of the reforms include re-introducing and strengthening the local currency, improving the ease of doing business and pursuing an engagement and re-engagement agenda that is crucial to attracting increased Foreign Direct Investment.

In support of these measures, local industry, under the banner Confederation of Zimbabwe Industries (CZI) says it will convene its annual congress from the 10th to the 12th of October under the theme “Upper middle-income industry for an upper middleincome economy.”

“The CZI Congress overall goal is to seek alignment and consensus on the complementary business and policy imperatives for achieving industrial and economic transformation and growth,” said CZI.

“(One of the) specific objectives of the congress include seeking consensus on the policy and business imperatives to achieve the vision for industry and in turn for industry to realise the transformation that will deliver economic performance which will in turn make the vision 2030 a reality.”

CZI has said the discussions would include senior Government officials and other relevant stakeholders.

It said frequent high level engagement between Government and business would help; “to obtain convergence with policy makers and frame the Industry Agenda around the national development frameworks and targets.”- The Chronicle

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