Govt warns on cotton side marketing

GOVERNMENT has issued a stern warning against cotton farmers involved in side marketing who are being lured by foreign currency by unscrupulous illegal buyers.

Lands, Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Resettlement Minister, Dr Anxious Masuka, made the remarks during a recent tour of Gokwe District where he urged cotton farmers to take their produce to the Cotton Company of Zimbabwe (Cottco).

Dr Masuka said Government had put in place a fast payment system and was offering very attractive prices for the white gold and as such there was no reason for farmers to sell their produce to illegal buyers.

“We are aware of some unscrupulous companies that are bent on luring you to sell your cotton to them at even low prices. We want to warn both the farmers and the buyers that they risk being prosecuted,” said Dr Masuka.

He said the Government has undertaken to clear $1,5 billion owed to cotton farmers for last year’s deliveries following a directive by President Mnangagwa to release the money.

Dr Masuka said payment for the 2021 season had already commenced adding the Government was committed to pay farmers on time given the success of the Presidential Cotton Scheme.

“The Presidential Cotton Input Scheme was a huge success as it resulted in 28 000 tonnes of cotton last year. This year we are expecting 195 000 tonnes,” he said.

Dr Masuka said Gokwe was a priority with regards to payment for delivered cotton as almost 50 percent of the national production was from the two districts of Gokwe.

Following the success of the Presidential Cotton Input Scheme, the Government now plans to introduce the Intwasa/Pfumvudza concept.

Dr Masuka said training of farmers in that regard should start as soon as possible so that farmers can take advantage of early

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