Turkey keen to enhance bilateral ties with Zim

Turkey is committed to cementing and enhancing existing bilateral relations with Zimbabwe in various socio-economic facets, a diplomat has said.

Mr Hakan Kivanc, the Turkish Ambassador to Zimbabwe, yesterday said the opening of an embassy in Harare and Ankara last month would help cement diplomatic ties between the two countries.

He was speaking during the commemorations of the Fifth Anniversary of the July 15 failed coup attempt by the Fetullah Terrorist Organisation (FETO) led by Muhammed Fethullah Gülen, a Turkish Islamic scholar and preacher against the Turkish government.

Mr Kivanc lauded the Government of Zimbabwe for not tolerating the rebel movement against Turkey, which was aimed at destabilising peace in Ankara.

“I would like to emphasise my gratitude that the Government of the Republic of Zimbabwe did not give any space to FETO in Zimbabwe to organise and cultivate their vicious and heinous plans,” said Mr Kivanc.

“We need to perpetuate and cement diplomatic ties with Zimbabwe. The opening of the Zimbabwean Embassy in Ankara demonstrates our commitment to cooperation. The visit by (Speaker of the National Assembly) Mr (Jacob) Mudenda and his delegation reflects a lot in terms of commitment.”

A Turkish construction firm has expressed interest in investing in the revival of the National Railways of Zimbabwe, as part of enhancing ties.

Some companies in Turkey are also keen to invest in various sectors of the economy such as roads construction and energy.

FETO was a movement which infiltrated Turkey in the 1970s under the guise of a charitable education effort and ended up plotting an insurrection to topple the Turkish regime in 2016.

“The goal was to subvert the democratic foundations of the Turkish State and establish a new anti-democratic one under the absolute rule of Gülen.

“Attaching great importance to confidentiality in its structure, the organisation gives code names to its members apart from their real names to ensure secrecy.

“Gülen has become and is one of the serious threats to Turkey as well as the international community.

“He and his followers planned and tried to capture the Turkish Republic on 15 July 2016. His disciples within the armed forces did not shy away from using lethal military force against civilians, killing 251 and wounding thousands,” said Mr Kivanc.-herald.cl.zw

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