Chirundu stretch upgrade complete

THE first phase of the US$21 million Makuti-Chirundu Road rehabilitation project including widening, smoothening of sharp curves and construction of climbing lanes at Marongora, has been completed.

Complete with road marking, signs, cat eyes and barricades, the development is expected to reduce the number of accidents that were occurring there, due to failure to negotiate steep descents, ascents and sharp curves.

The development brings the 6,5km stretch to world class standards, which augers well with Government’s overall plan to facilitate trade through upgrading of roads on the North-South Corridor.

It covers the stretch from Marongora to Hells Gate or Mana Pools turn-off.

The contractor, Dai Nippon Construction (DNC), working with the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructural Development, undertook the project and remains on site to conduct inspections and repairs, if need arises, for the next year.

Motorists have welcomed the development, saying it will reduce accidents and significantly reduce the time spent on the road.

Mashonaland West Provincial Development Coordinator (PDC) Mr Josphat Jaji confirmed completion of the first phase, which was launched by President Mnangagwa in August 2019.

“The first phase covering 6,5km has been completed, but the constructor is still on the ground,” said Mr Jaji.

“This in line with conditions of the contract that they will maintain the road for a year before it is left to the Department of Roads.”

The impressive workmanship has been hailed by motorists who called for expansion of the project to cover other parts that are now pothole riddled.

“This is a welcome development which will give a better driving experience for us cross border drivers,” said Mr John Kasembo, from the Democratic Republic of Congo.

“It was painful to see some of our colleagues dying on the road especially at Marongora where the curves were too sharp making it difficult for trucks to navigate.”-herald.clzw

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