Tobacco Farmers Speak On 60% Forex Retention

Some tobacco farmers have welcomed the review of payment terms which would see them receive sixty percent (60%) of the total earnings from the sale of their product in forex.

Farmers at Glamorgan in Bindura who spoke to ZBC News said the move was a positive one. Said some of the farmers:

We are expecting contractors to buy our crop fairly and we praise government for the 60% forex and 40 percent RTGS which will allow us to purchase important utilities and be able to go back into the field.

The 60% retention is a positive development, on the ground farmers will continue increasing their tobacco production.

Before the review, some farmers were reportedly contemplating ditching the golden leaf over the pricing model which they said was not commensurate with the effort they would have put.

Previously, delays in payment and the payment models created a standoff between the government and farmers or at least delayed the selling of the crop at the auction floors.

More: ZBC News

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