Bid to end policy inconsistencies in mining

POLICY inconsistencies have been identified as one of the contributing factors to corruption in the mining sector.

According to the African Growth Initiative, Zimbabwe is estimated to have lost around US$32,179 billion in the past two decades which is approximately US$1,5 billion per annum. In an online executive dialogue on corruption in Zimbabwe’s mining sector, Parliamentary Portfolio Committee on Mines and Mining Development chairperson Hon Edmond Mkaratigwa said among other causes of corruption in the mining sector policy inconsistencies was one of them.

“Policy inconsistencies can be noted in the Indigenisation and Economic Empowerment Act policy whereby in the old dispensation there was a drive towards 51/49 percent requirement and recently the new dispensation reviewed the indigenisation policy and we were looking into a framework that will better serve the country especially the pronouncement of the ease of doing business mantra by the President,” he said.

He also highlighted that the committee was working tirelessly to curb corruption in the mining industry as they invited the Minister of Mines and Mining Development and his team to answer to questions brought forward in Parliament.

“Communities should take part in exposing corruption, activism is key in shunning corruption and reporting it. We also want whistle blower protection as a way of making sure we curb corruption. We are advocating for consistency and efficiency,” he said.

Zimbabwe Prospectors Union (ZPA) president Mr Samson Dzingwe said backlogs of acquisition of mining rights throughout the whole country were also cultivating corruption.

“Most miners when they do not get certificates end up doing illegal mining. They end up getting into the hands of some dirty police where they end up paying bribes because they don’t have papers. They cannot even take their minerals to Fidelity Printers and Refiners as well so they go to the black market.”

Zimbabwe Miners Federation Mashonaland West chairperson Dr Chiedza Chipangura said corruption in the mining sector was stemming from the slow pace of giving out mining licences. He said some miners applied in 2017 but were yet to get mining licences.-sundaynews

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