Civil service salary talks await Treasury framework

SALARY negotiations between Government and civil servants under the National Joint Negotiation Council (NJNC) will resume as soon as treasury gives a framework on the pegging of the salaries.

The salary negotiations were supposed to have resumed in January as agreed by the two parties late last year.
On February 2, the Apex Council wrote to Government requesting the resumption of negotiations.

Government confirmed receiving the letter and has said it is committed to restarting the negotiations.

Last year on November 16, Government tasked the NJNC to come up with a roadmap leading to a salary structure for civil servants that will see the lowest paid getting an equivalent of US$550 that civil servants were being paid during the dollarisation era.

Civil servants were last awarded a salary increment last November.

According to the Minister of Public Service, Labour and Social Services Professor Paul Mavima, salary negotiations between Government and the civil servants will commence soon.

Prof Mavima said Government might backdate civil servants’ salary increments if resources permit.

“We are waiting for a framework for negotiations to come from Treasury. Depending on the availability of resources, we might backdate the increments to January once an agreement is reached, The NJNC is waiting for guidelines from Treasury before it can engage in negotiations for salary reviews and the roadmap on the general improvement of the civil servants’ conditions of service,” he said.

Prof Mavima said Government was committed to improving the salaries and general conditions of service for its

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