Vendors continue to breach lockdown

Street vendors have continued to breach lockdown regulations despite regular clashes with police.

While vendors do operate almost everywhere in defiance of the level four lockdown, they are usually alone or operating in twos or threes.

But in Mbare, Gazaland area in Highfield, Tichagarika business centre in Glen View and Chigovanyika in Chitungwiza numbers are larger and social distancing is not always possible, although generally vendors wear facemasks.

In Mbare police have had to use teargas to disperse groups. The Herald yesterday visited some of the areas and spoke to some of the traders.

A vendor identified as Teclar operating in Mbare said they are now used to police throwing tear canisters, but they always find their way back to sell their goods.

“This is now a daily occasion. We are now used to inhaling the smoke of tear gas.

“They always throw it on us in an attempt to disperse us. As we speak, we are expecting them.”

Another vendor operating opposite Mupedzanhamo said even if the police chase them, they will always find a way of coming back to sell their goods.

“We are fending for our families. Yes we are aware that there is a deadly pandemic that is why we are wearing masks,” said the vendor.

“Maybe our council should allocate us bigger space to operate from, so that we can ensure social distancing.”

Another vendor who sells second-hand clothes at Chigovanyika appealed to Government to at least allow them to operate three days a week so they could rotate and selling points and reduce numbers physically

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