ZESA introduces forex payment system

The Zimbabwe Electricity Transmission and Distribution Company (ZETDC) has introduced a system that allows both postpaid and prepaid customers to settle their bills and purchase electricity tokens in foreign currency if they wish to, but the payments have to made in banking halls.

In a media statement, ZETDC said foreign currency bill settlements and token purchases would be based on the prevailing foreign currency auction rate. Customers opting to use foreign currency could access the service at ZETDC banking halls countrywide.

This comes as the Portfolio Committee on Energy and Power Development chaired by Bikita West legislator, Elias Musakwa (Zanu PF), recently reported to Parliament that ZESA was owed about $5,6 billion in both local and foreign currency.

Local authorities owe $1 billion, Government $400 million and parastatals $189 million, with the debt still rising.

This has seen the utility struggling to service its debts, particularly with foreign utilities who supply the required imports.-chronicle..co.zw

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