Lingfield horticultural products bloom globally

Gweru-based Lingfield farm has proved itself as a force to reckon with in the revival of the horticulture industry as its flowers, peas and fine beans are on global demand, and are produced under the internationally acceptable standards.

Speaking during recent ministerial tour of the 450 hectare farm, Lingfield managing director, Tatenda Karumazondo said the flower sector trading under the Lingflora brand, is growing rapidly and they are already seeking out grower services to complement the rising demand.

Karumazondo said the farm is now certified with an international code of practice known as the Global Good Agricultural Practice (GAP), which ensures acceptance of the local products on the international market.

“Most horticulture farmers do not adhere to best practices hence fail to meet international standards and attract lucrative markets.

“Global GAP provides training across the value chain such as pesticide use, post harvesting handling, market driven production and horticulture marketing skills. We are proud that our standards are globally competitive.

Lingfield farm which produces horticultural products mainly flowers, fine beans and peas for export market says they have been hard hit by the effects of Covid19 which has resulted in flowers sector (Lingflora) to operate at 75 percent capacity.

He said the business is facing a number of Covid19 induced challenges which have made them to source new markets beyond the traditional European markets.

“The closure of borders and international airports have crippled the horticultural logistical value chain to the extend that we are now exporting 75 percent of our norm.

“However, that has driven us to source and markets in far east, Russia and Dubai as flowers are always on demand.

Lingfield farm has a mixed farming approach also involves dairy farming and crop

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