Council road rehabilitation target hits funding hump

Harare City Council has this year only managed to rehabilitate 1,1km of roads across the city against its target of 120km, with the local authority citing funding challenges.

Most of the city roads are in bad shape and the situation is likely to worsen as the rainy season sets in.

Some of the city’s roads, which are now riddled with potholes and in some instance virtually impassable, have outlived their normal life-span of 20 years, after they were constructed before independence in 1980. The city openly admitted its failure while announcing the recently presented 2021 budget statement.

The budget was presented by Finance and Development committee chair Councillor Tichaona Mhetu.

“We have not done well in the roads programmes due to funding constraints,” he said. “This year we had targeted to do 120km, but we have only done 1,1km.

“The state of roads remains deplorable. The poor performance of this programme is largely due to the late disbursement of funds and price variations caused by distortions in the market.”

In the budget, Cllr Mhetu said council was planning to introduce a road fund and infrastructure development levy for the public and street lighting.

“We will engage other public utilities for operationalisation of this grant plan targeted for urban infrastructure growth,” he said.

On the $32,7 billion financial plan, Harare has since allocated $608 875 000 for roads infrastructure programme and $104 099 200 for the traffic management.

Combined Harare Residents Association programmes manager Mr Reuben Akili said roads in Harare had become a perennial concern, which needs attention from both the city and the Government.

The case has once again shown the spotlight on poor service delivery at the local authority, which is reeling from widespread allegations of corruption within its rank and file.

Top officials, including mayor Jacob Mafume and his predecessor Hebert Gomba, town clerk Hosiah Chisango, director of housing Addmore Nhekairo and former housing director Matthew Marara were arrested on corruption

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