Council defies clamping ruling

Harare City Council officials yesterday spent the better part of day clamping vehicles not displaying parking discs in the city centre, in direct defiance of a recent Supreme Court ruling that found the practice to be “illegal”.

The Supreme Court ruled that the council can fine offenders under its 1983 regulations and if the motorist does not pay within four days, they should be prosecuted.

A municipal officer who spoke on condition of anonymity said: “Clamping is continuing as we are yet to get a directive from our bosses to stop.”

However, Harare City Council spokesperson Mr Michael Chideme told The Herald that they stand guided by the court ruling, unless they decide to appeal.

Our news crew yesterday observed council officials clamping vehicles across the town.

In the Supreme Court, ruling Justices Elizabeth Gwaunza, Tendai Uchena and Lavender Makoni, ruled that it was illegal for municipal police to clamp and tow away cars in the CBD.

The ruling followed a challenge by a Harare motorist, Ms Melody Muza, whose car had been clamped and towed away for not displaying a parking disc in May last

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