Resettled farmers challenged to venture into growing macadamia nuts

Farmers resettled in Arda Transau in Mutare North have been urged to embrace the production of macadamia nuts to boost economic development and improve their livelihoods.

Speaking at the official launch of a macadamia nut demo field at Chirasika Primary School last week, Deputy Minister of Home Affairs and Cultural Heritage and Mutare North Member of Parliament Cde Mike Madiro said the production of the high earning nuts would assist in the attainment of Vision 2030 laid by President Mnangagwa.

“This programme to increase macadamia nut production comes under a broad horticultural framework being initiated by Government,” he said. “In a short time, Government will launch a fruit tree and vegetable production initiative to enhance income generation and food sustainability of families.

“The country’s wealth is inclined towards agriculture and we should all take up such programmes.”

Cde Madiro said if communities worked hard to plant fruit trees, they could make a lot of money that will contribute towards the economic development of the province and the country.

“We can do this if we unite towards development,” he said. “Everyone should ride on the development agenda being pushed by the New Dispensation despite your political affiliation because President Mnangagwa has said no one should be left behind.”

Macadamia Empowerment Group Association (MEGA) promoter Mr Elvis Nyanhongo, said the initiative was aimed at transforming livelihoods in rural areas as one plant produces an average of 50-60kgs of nuts, which sell for an average of US$4 per kg.

He said the uptake of macadamia nut production had increased, especially in Chipinge and Honde Valley where it was changing the lives of many smallholder

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