2023 ZITF: ZNCC to host a business luncheon

The Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce is scheduled to host the 2023 ZITF Business Luncheon at the ZITF grounds in Bulawayo.

The 2023 Zimbabwe International Trade Fair is scheduled to take place in the City of Kings from the 25th to the 29th of April 2023.

The ZITF is one of the largest trade promotion events on the Zimbabwe’s business calendar.
The fair hosts exhibitors from local, regional and international visitors in the month of April every year and also welcomes public visitors.

The exhibitors encompass enterprises and corporates of all sizes and the exhibitions and events are the first place where industry trends ideas and innovative products are unveiled.

The main aim of the ZITF is to promote trade and investment between Zimbabwe and participating countries.

The ZITF Business Luncheon is an annual event on the ZITF calendar which brings together representatives from the Government, international organisations, diplomatic community, private sector, and the academia, among others, to discuss issues pertaining to international trade on the side lines of the ZITF.

The ultimate goal is to promote policy and firm-level decision-making based on rigor and evidence as well as maximum key stakeholder participation. This year’s ZITF business luncheon brings flair and an array of local and international speakers who are going to speak on the theme of the 2023 ZITF.

The 2023 ZITF is being held under the theme: “Transformative Innovation, Global Competitiveness”.

Deliberate efforts to transform economies through sound reforms are being undertaken by various governments and private sector organisations especially on regulatory environments in an endeavour to support ongoing and future innovations.

Such steps are increasingly becoming important to secure national and firm level competitive advantage in the global economy.

In this regard, by continuously improving on regulation and standards, economies are seeking to attain competitive, environmental and social benefits.

Given this background, the Zimbabwe National Chamber of Commerce (ZNCC) through the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair will be hosting a business luncheon earmarked to bring all key stakeholders under one roof to discuss on the topic: “Transformative Innovation, Global Competitiveness”.

The theme posits innovation as the driving force, which will push society into the future where new ideas are increasingly becoming the currency of achieving success.

The 2023 ZITF is taking place in the epoch of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) which represents changes in work, everyday life and relationships with innovation and technological advancements at the heart of it all.

Consequently, mobility and impactful entrepreneurship will be key indicators of a positive trajectory in this revolution while sustainable economic confidence and global competitiveness are the ultimate goals.

The deliberations on the topic will be guided by the following, inter alia; innovative trends in the world and how third world countries can cope with; acquisitions/mergers/transactions within the context of private sector firms pertaining to competitive culture; regulations and standards on innovation and competitiveness; improving productivity and competitiveness; and policies to promote and support transformative innovation and global competitiveness.

This article was prepared by ZNCC for Business Weekly

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